Privacy Policy

In order to perform the best possible care for you, Heidi Duncan keeps records of your administrative data and the care provided.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to these registrations as of 25 May 2018. This means that from that date the same privacy legislation applies throughout the European Union (EU). The Personal Data Protection Act (Wbp) no longer applies. The AVG is also known under the English name: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This GDPR contains rules regarding the purpose of the registration, the nature of the data being registered, the management of the data, the persons who have access to that data and the right of access of the clients. Energiek Groningen has laid down the applicable matters in the following regulations.


Only Heidi Duncan has access to a client file. Only data related to the care of the client is stored in the client file. Client data will not be provided to third parties unless the client (or his legal representative) has given written permission by means of a ‘ declaration of consent ’. Permission is again requested for each provision of information. The data will not be made public even after death.


The client or his legal representative has the right to view the data recorded about the client. If the client or his legal representative believes that data has been recorded incorrectly, the client / legal representative can request in writing to change it.

Client and / or its legal representatives are entitled to:

  • data portability: the right to transfer personal data (Article 20 GDPR),
  • oblivion: deletion of (all) data file and the right to be forgotten ‘ ’ (Article 17 GDPR)
  • access to the file, and the right to rectification and addition (Article 16 GDPR),
  • object to data processing.
  • restriction of processing: the right to have less data processed (for more information about situations and criteria, please refer to the following link: authority personal data
  • clear information about what we do with your personal data.

If you want to use one of the (one of) the above rights, you can make an appointment for this. We will then complete a ‘ Form Implementation General Data Protection Regulation ’, because we want to determine which right you exercise and what the actions have been.


Met alle partijen waar vertrouwelijke (persoons)gegevens mee worden uitgewisseld is een Verwerkersovereenkomst opgesteld

Betrokken instanties en ketenpartners waar Heidi Duncan – alleen na toestemming van de cliënt of diens wettelijk vertegenwoordiger – gegevens mee uitwisselt zijn opgenomen in een Verwerkingsregister. U mag te allen tijde dit register bij ons opvragen.

Wanneer u van mening bent dat wij niet op de juiste manier met uw gegevens omgaan, kunt u dit kenbaar maken.